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NyxText: A Versatile Text Editor for Writers and Coders

Nyxtext is a text editor designed to cater to the needs of both writers and coders. It offers a user-friendly interface with features specifically tailored for each user group. Nyxtext provides essential writing tools like text correction, spell checking, and potentially grammar suggestions (to be added in future). These features help writers focus on their content and produce polished documents. Nyxtext empowers coders with functionalities like syntax highlighting, multiple code workspaces, and integrated terminal access. These features streamline the coding workflow, improve code readability, and enhance developer productivity. Developed using Python and a custom Tkinter framework, Nyxtext is open-source and welcomes collaboration from the developer community. This collaborative approach fosters continuous improvement and feature addition. Nyxtext is currently in its alpha development stage. While it offers several core functionalities, there are many exciting features planned for future releases.

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AI Club's Website

This project showcases my first foray into front-end development, created for the AI club's task round at my university. Built entirely with HTML and CSS. Clean and Consistent Design: The website utilizes a fixed color scheme, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing user experience. Modern Look: Embracing modern design principles, the website offers a fresh and up-to-date presentation. Responsive Design: Optimized for optimal viewing on desktops, tablets, and mobile phones, the website adapts to any screen size for a smooth user experience on all devices.

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Arch Workflow - i3wm, tmux, neovim & vscode

A minimalist Arch setup for a keyboard-centric distribution. The workflow consists of i3wm, polybar, tmux, and neovim. The configuration is designed to be lightweight and efficient, with the goal of maximizing productivity. The setup is optimized for speed and ease of use, with a focus on keyboard shortcuts and automation. The dotfiles are highly customizable and can be tailored to suit individual preferences. The workflow is ideal for developers, sysadmins, and power users who value efficiency and simplicity. The dotfiles are open-source and available on GitHub for anyone to use or contribute to. The project is actively maintained and updated regularly with new features and improvements.

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Pistachio: Dotfiles for Arch Linux (Openboxwm)

Linux configuration,Featured on Reddit with over 1.1k upvotes, Designed for Arch Linux (Archcraft) and built around the Openbox window manager, this setup prioritizes clarity above all else. Experience a breathtaking "glass" theme that blurs your applications, including the Rofi launcher, terminal, and even the Openbox interface itself. But don't be fooled by the aesthetics – functionality reigns supreme. Informative Polybars grace the top and bottom of your screen, displaying real-time system information without a hint of performance lag. This open-source powerhouse leverages various projects to craft a truly unique and optimized user experience.

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NixOS - Flakes,home-manager

A work-in-progress project in the Nix programming language. It configures my system using Nix flakes and home-manager, making it reproducible on any NixOS system. The project automatically sets up Hyprland WM, zsh, neovim, waybar, graphic drivers, and many more. However, please note that it is currently incomplete and a work in progress.

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Landing / Portfolio Page (CURRENT)

This interactive portfolio website serves as a professional introduction to my skills and experience. Built with HTML, Sass, Bootstrap, and Javascript, the site showcases my completed projects while highlighting my current capabilities in web development. It boasts a user-friendly interface with customizable themes (accessible via the "Change Background" button) and incorporates subtle animations to enhance the user experience. Responsive across all devices, the website ensures a seamless experience for all visitors, regardless of their screen size.

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